Austpec Pastoral

Austpec Pastoral was established in 2014 with the acquisition of premium fullblood Wagyu genetics. In July 2020, Austpec Pastoral divested its cattle and Agriculture land holdings. During Wattlestone’s ownership, Austpec Pastoral established itself as a strong producer of Wagyu and Wagyu cross cattle through an emphasis on dedicated R&D programs, researching unique and efficient breeding and genetic models operating across 4 owned and leased cattle properties in the Western Darling Downs region of Queensland, Australia. During our ownership period, Austpec Pastoral completed major water infrastructure works and adopted regenerative farming methodologies which combined made significant advances in carrying capacity.
Austpec Pastoral’s cattle won the prestigious RNA Paddock to Palate “Best weight gain for pen of six grain-fed steers” with an average daily gain of 1.239 kg and an avg final weight of 899.7kg along with the “Highest individual weight gain” with an average daily gain of 1.39 kg and final weight of 968kg. To win such a prestigious competition is a privilege and portrays the investment and quality of the Austpec genetics and performance.
The operation was headquartered at Mundibulanga station, at Drillham, Queensland, Australia.