Our Core Values

Our core values are the essence of our existence.

Our Vision

To create significant value with an emphasis on maximising the potential and ensuring the enduring success of the operating businesses and assets through a forward thinking, innovative, disciplined and meritocratic environment.


Value Creation & Enduring Success We focus and invest in creating and building something of significance that will endure and be well positioned to thrive for profitable, long term growth and success. Value realisation is core to investment strategy and part of a disciplined strategic plan.

Fly Wheel Momentum is everything. We critically develop and define the strategic direction combined with highly disciplined execution to achieve the outcome. Great people need to have big things to do – our people continually need big mountains to climb, always and forever or they will cease to develop and grow.

Excellence We aspire to be the best at what we do and to lead by example. We set high personal and company standards, and then consistently try to exceed them. We attract fanatically self-motivated, highly capable, results-oriented people and invest in their development. Our focus on impact and results creates a vibrant and meritocratic environment, directly linking individual performance with the group’s success. Deliver + 1.

Culture of Discipline & Alignment Our true meritocratic environment and disciplined approach extends throughout the group; our disciplined people combine with clear strategic thought in confronting the brutal facts aligned with disciplined execution to achieve the outcome. Our team share in success as much as we share in failures.

Passion We share a common passion and inspire each other with a common thirst for innovation and excellence in everything we do. We are highly driven, motivated and optimistic and intensely care about achieving our success.

Hungry and Humble We are quietly confident and openly humble. Arrogance and ego has no place. We conduct ourselves with integrity in everything we do. Our reputation, as individuals and as a group, is paramount. Our word is our bond. We are self-critical – acknowledging our mistakes and trying always to learn from them.

Innovation, Efficiency & Systems Innovation is core to our DNA. There is always a superior process, system or offering to provide our internal stakeholders and customers a greater and more valuable outcome. We are never satisfied with the status quo. Wattlestone Business Systems (WBS) is a proven system for achieving our goals and maintaining a low cost highly efficient operation.

Partnerships We believe in genuine partnerships with true alignment of interests among partners and management teams. We work only with people whom we like, respect and admire. This policy not only maximises our chances of good results, it also ensures us an extraordinarily good time. We seek continually to understand and align the interests of all stakeholders, and we treat everyone with fairness, compassion, and respect.

Learning Continuous learning and education is at our core, we have an overriding thirst for knowledge.

Empowered Decisions Freedom and choice in decision processes and life drives our success. We try to create a sense of ownership so that this behaviour comes naturally.

Utility generation is core and provides the comfortable environment to enjoy the journey, remain patiently opportunistic and achieve great things.